Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A sad day at the Lee house...


And after.

It was a sad day at the Lee house. Okay... not traumatic or anything but sad. After four years of fun with our wakeboard edition Sea doo we decided to sell it. I hadn't gone it once this summer and Chris only took it out once with the scouts. 

Babies will do that to you, I guess. We're hoping for a boat but for the first time since we've been married, pretty much. 

We have NO WATERCRAFT! No boat or anything. Crazy :)  I'm sure we'll survive.

But when Chris made the transaction... and the guy drove away with our Sea Doo... Chris walked in the house, closed the door and sank to the floor. 

He was a little sad. :) 

Luckily, right when we sat down he got a phone call from a good friend of ours (Chad) who invited him over to watch a UFC fight. Chris said, "perfect timing, man. I could use something like that" (and possibly a shoulder to cry on :) 

A little slice of heaven...

Ahh... relaxing and fun YELLOWSTONE!

Chris and I have always LOVED Yellowstone. More particularly, Henry's Lake. That's where the family cabin is. That's where we spent our first vacation when we were dating (and pretty much found out we were in love) That's where Chris proposed to me the next year. It's one of my very favorite places to be!

We went with the Lee family... and our friends Dallas and Britt Aste (and their adorable girls!)

It was a lot of fun! We rented a little fishing boat and Chris a
nd the boys went out early in the mornings to catch some.  Jon caught one in the first few minutes and sat around for a few hours... just chilling. 

The next day Matt caught one. Not sure how many Chris and Dallas caught.

It was beautiful up there as usual! We went into the park one day and drove around for hours. We went toward mammoth... and saw a black bear chilling. We were all freaking out because we had been talking about how badly we wanted to see a bear. We thought that was the pinnacle of the wildlife watching. 

A few hours later, however, we saw a traffic jam (which usually means animals ahead) and a few of us decided to hop out and take a look. We ran ahead... and found what everyone was looking at. A grizzly... munching on an elk!! Holy moley!! Crazy!! And, even more crazy (and pretty stupid of us) it was only about 100 yards away from us! Yikes. We tried to get a few pics but they didn't really turn out.  I was nervous until Dallas reminded me that we didn't have to outrun the bear. (huh?) We just have to outrun the people next to us. I looked around and realized we were probably pretty safe :) 

THE toilet trauma...

Ugh. Really. Ugh. 

It's one of those moments as a mom that you can't help but think, "really, this is in that bottomless job description of motherhood. My kid... sitting IN our toilet." 

Anyone who knows me well... knows I hate toilets. No.. I loathe them. Despise them. Ignore, in fact, their very existence when I can. I don't clean them (I made sure to marry a wonderful man who is willing to do so) and I sure as heck don't want my beautiful little boy touching them. This makes potty training tricky but not impossible :) 

Now that you know... you can imagine my, um, surprise... when I walked into the bathroom a few days ago and found Brodrick with his back to me sitting IN... IN the toilet with his arms resting on the seat. He looked like he was chilling in a nice, relaxing hot tub. ugh. really. ugh. So gross.

I screamed and he panicked (knowing I don't like it when he touches the toilet seat)... but before I grabbed him by the top of the shoulders (the only clean spot) and dumped him in the tub... I managed to grab the camera and take a few pics and video. 

Enjoy the sight... because I sure didn't. 

Although, now that he's clean and cute again  I can look at the pictures and laugh.  Not a big chuckle... maybe a smirk... but I can at least appreciate the posterity side of things. I can't wait to show HIS kids! :)

Lee fam summer vaca!!


In the middle of May the ENTIRE Lee fam took a trip to Florida. We spent a whole week in Orlando... running around from park to park. 

It was a lot of fun to have everyone there!! Poor Jennifer had a sprained ankle and Craig needed a wheelchair every now and then... but other than that, we were a pretty awesome group :)

We had a 5 day hopper pass... so we were 
on-the-go most of the time. 

In addition to going to ALL of the parks... we had passes to the waterparks. This is a pic of blizzard beach. Craig and Linda stayed back to get a bit of shopping in at the nearby outlet mall.

It was Brodrick and Aaron and my first time to Disneyworld. It's hard to pick a favorite park... I loved Epcot Center. It made me miss the places I've visited around the world and want to travel more. 

I also really liked the Animal Kingdom. Great park!  The dinosaur ride, there, holy cow. That was my absolute favorite! :) It reminded me a bit of the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland (which is my fav!). Good times!!

Chris' Birthday...

Okay, so my birthday was just this week... but it's about time I go back in time and remember a few things that have happened in the last few months. 

So, let's start in April.  April 2nd to be exact.

That's Chris' birthday. He turned 102 this year... or maybe it was 31. Either way, he's old. :)

Chris' parents (and Matt) were in town. We had a low-key birthday and had some cake back at our house... which I made and, surprisingly Chris loved! :)  

Brodrick loved helping dad blow out the candles. We even lit them again...

 just for him. 

Chris got a few fun things...

A tent, which Brodrick and Chris hung out in for quite a while (and Matt ended up sleeping in for two days)

A longboard (now he rides that instead of a bike when we go out for family rides), a sleeping bag (he had to get some camping gear for scout camp), clothes.. and a couple other things.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Lounging by the pool

We've had a pretty slow summer so far....

We spend a couple days a week in the backyard. Brodrick loves the pool and runs to the back door a couple times a day... And says 'side'... 'deez... poo'

That means, "Outside! Please mom! I want to go outside and get in the pool!" :)

We can't keep Abner (B calls him "abbey") and Annabelle out of the pool. Anytime we jump in, they're doing the same thing!

I've never met little dogs that like swimming as much as our little guys!  When I don't let them out (because it can get a little crazy with two dogs a baby and me) they flip out... scratching at the door and barking at the fence on the other side of the lawn.

Brodrick is ob-freaking-sessed with the water!
I never thought I'd get tired of water... and especially the pool but EVERYDAY I have to get in the pool, the bath, play in the sink or  (watch for the dreadful toilet trauma) battle him to stay out of the toilet. It's pretty much my other full-time job.  ugh. But it IS cute!! :) I LOVE that I have a little fish for a hubby and baby.

Love you family!

I'll attach pics to this post soon... this is really just a test... so see if I CAN really post from my cell. :) ((Apparently it worked.. and here are the pictures))

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wolverine premiere... awesome.

Well HELLO Hugh! 

Monday we scored tickets to the the World Premiere of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It was awesome. 
Hugh rode in on his motorcycle!

We got there late and were a little frustrated because all our friends were near the stage. We were stuck behind the security line (they shut it off like 20 minutes before we got there). We were stuck back with a bunch of onlookers even though we had a wrist band to get in... 

Luckily.... we finally got through and found the BEST spot on the red carpet!! Here are a few of the peeps we met.... 

Ryan Reynolds. (I know.. my camera malfunctioned.. bad shot. Grr)

Lynn Collins...

Hey Hugh... what's up!! He's obviously ready for his close up...

Alice Cooper...

Guy from American Idol? The blind one... sorry, that's not very PC.

We had a blast!
Thank goodness the sitter was able to stay 'til 10:30. Late night for a weekday (at least for us...) :)